Thankful Thursday: What CHRIXEAN is thankful for this week
1) I am thankful that Nicky finally has regained his confidence in swimming. It took us 5 years to get him back into a pool without the usual screaming and crying sessions. Thanks to his very patient dad, Nicky went back into the pool and not only did he just dip in and wade, he actually floated alone onto the middle of the pool, paddled around from end to end, get out and literally jumped back into the waiting arms of his cousins! Great job, son!
2) Seeing my old highschool friends. My good friend Don came home recently from the US to visit his ailing dad. Sadly, his dad passed away just a few days after he arrived and so we all decided to drop by the wake to visit him and his family to pay our respects. It instantly became a mini reunion of sorts because I suddenly had the opportunity to see old friends (not old in the literal sense, though some may have passed as such, hehe) and catch up on old times. It was great seeing Don also because he was a great bud in highschool and we shared a lot of fun stories together, as well as unforgettable and quirky experiences. I look forward to seeing him again soon along with my other highschool pals (hopefully when I've already given birth so I could share a few drinks again with the gang), and hopefully the reason for it will be under happier circumstances.
3) Serving in Nicky's musical show called Jeremiah Goes Home. Allan and I were given the opportunity to use God's gifts to us by serving in the production, promotions and creative marketing aspects of the show. It's a musical produced by our Christian community and we are assigned to serve as a couple, while our son is part of the song and dance ensemble. Really cool and fun! I directed an afternoon till late evening photoshoot yesterday for the souvenir program and though it was really tiring (did I forget I was pregnant again?), it was really fun to do. I got to do what I do for a living as my way of serving God's purpose.