Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thankful Thursday 22

Thankful Thursday: What CHRIXEAN is thankful for this week

For the life that was given to one of my aunts, Minerva Chavez, who passed away just last night because of cancer. I am also blessed to have known such a great and inspiring woman in this lifetime, and to have been a niece of hers. I wrote a post about her sometime last year. I'm re-posting it as my tribute to her, and just so you'll get to know a little more about her.

Heard Any Bells Ringing Lately?
Posted December 30, 2005

To give you an idea of who my Auntie is, she's an 82-year old sweet, soft spoken and joyful woman who out of pure love and generosity just loves to give to others and finds pure joy in doing so. She has 10 children, all successful in their respective fields, and now lives with her youngest daughter's family blessed with everything and anything an old lady could ever need -- family, friends, good health and material comforts. I got the chance to visit her today to drop off some long-overdue Christmas presents, and in return was blessed with an outpouring of her love and affection through endless hugs and kisses. She shared with me this write-up, and in the process she gave me a piece of her heart. I would like to now share this with all of you, in hopes that it would bless you, inspire you, touch you, or maybe just to simply bring a smile to your face. We all need to be reminded time and time and again just what the spirit of the season is all about.


Do you have bells ringing for you in heaven? If you are not sure, start this year by doing something nice for a poor and needy family. If you do not strive to do good this year, you may never get a chance to do so. What is the reason for our existence on this earth? Just to live? Therefore, is it ok to be selfish, uncaring and deaf to the cries of those who are needy and near you?

We should have the unconditional love of God in our hearts. God is forever helping us with no strings attached. Do we ever stop to say "thank you"? Why is it that we only remember the Lord when we need something? Yes, at times people can be so ungrateful.

There was a time when I visited a friend. I saw her lying on the floor with a baby by her side. She was so haggard. Unfortunately, I only had P100 ($2), and I had to pay for the fare downtown. So what little money I had left, I bought a small can of milk which was about P20 ($.38) and P5 ($.09) worth of sugar. I talked to somebody who owned a small store and asked a favor to boil water so I can mix the two. When the milk was ready, I picked up my friend and held her in my arms. She drank the milk as if it were her first time to be fed! I told my mother about it and she said "child, don't you know that the bells in heaven are ringing for your good deed?". I was overflowing with joy for what my mother said! I promised then to let the bells in heaven ring for me a lot of times as long as I lived on this earth.

Now, I do have children who let the bells of heaven ring most of the time, and I do hope the bells would not be destroyed. I am so proud of all of them for they have understood the true meaning of "unconditional love". I owe this good trait to my parents, and I believe I have passed on this trait to my children, as they will hopefully pass it on to their children.

So let the bells of heaven be ringing for you also forever!

- Minerva Chavez

Links to other Thankful Thursdays -->
A Child of God
A Revision
Anna's Place
As My World Turns
Friday's Child
Imagine Bliss
Journalling Through the Valley
Momma's Life
Mommy Does It All
Mommy Needs To Vent
Show Them Through Me
Uzi's Musings
Blog Charm
Russell And Aine's Haven

Click here for the Thankful Thursday code

Click here for Chrixean's blog

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Anonymous said...

"We should have the unconditional love of God in our hearts. God is forever helping us with no strings attached. Do we ever stop to say "thank you"? Why is it that we only remember the Lord when we need something? Yes, at times people can be so ungrateful."

Thanks for the reminder... :)

Viamarie said...

My warmest and sincerest condolences to you and family. Am sure you will really miss her.


Pirate Princess said...

It's good to remember those who have touched us so much, even after they have passed. My warmest feelings go out to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

First of all - I am so sorry to heart that your aunt passed. After reading this post, I understand your love for her. What a wonderful and caring person she was. I am certain that the angels were rejoices at her arrival in heaven.
Yes, it is a good thing to do good for the poor and needy - they were close to Jesus' heart.
Thank you for sharing your precious memories.