My son Nicky came out in a musical play last Saturday evening, June 11, entitled "Finding Jesus"<--click to view photo album. It was presented at the Insular Life Auditorium in Alabang and was really well-received by Ligaya ng Panginoon members, families and invited friends and guests. The place was packed! The story of the play was about a lame girl named Tabitha who went on a journey with her father and her three chocolate factory worker buddies to find Jesus to heal her of her condition. The entire cast was comprised of Ligaya's Music Ministry members, the Young Adults group, the Junior Young Adults group and the Friends of Jesus kids group.
The musical is an original show written, produced and arranged by Ligaya ng Panginoon and was tied-in together with the Summer Workshop that Nicky was enrolled in -- the King's Kids Workshop -- which taught them basic singing and streetdancing. It was a great summer activity that Nicky was involved in because it gave him a chance to move away from the TV set (thank God!), express himself creatively through music, and interact with kids of all ages in Ligaya. Surprisingly, after the first few excruciating classes where he cried a lot (due to heat, nervousness and tiredness), Nicky found that he actually loved to perform! Although quite awkward at times still (sad to say I, myself, was not bestowed with dancing talents), Nicky confidently did all 4 dance routines - and perfectly, i must say! Hay, proud ang stage mommy and daddy! Hehe.
Ok, just to add to the reasons why Nicky is suddenly now missing his 3-times-a-week rehearsal schedule -- he found a "new love" by the name of Bea! The girl who plays the young Tabitha in the show (see photo), captured my little boy's heart! Goodness, my son is just 6 years old! Nicky wrote his lady-love (who happens to be almost 11 years old, i think!) a letter which said "Dear Bea, I will never forget you. I love you. Nicky". Naloka ako! He never got the chance to give it to her, though. But it just amuses me how expressive he has become of his feelings, particularly with girls he likes.
Prep school starts for Nicky on June 20, and he is already looking forward to new productions and shows he can be involved in. Nawili na yata sa pag-perform! With the success of Ligaya South's first musical production, there is no doubt that new plans for future shows that will involve the kids of Ligaya are already in the works.
To my dear Nicholas -- Bravo! We are so proud of your accomplishments.:)